Welcome to all English speakers!

An apology before an introduction is in order. As you may have noticed the English content of our website is limited to this landing page. We have been focussing on creating relevant, interesting content in Dutch on our website and we got away with this until we started growing and attracting attention from clients outside of the Netherlands. We believe that if we can not do it right we would rather not do it at all… so in this case we decided against translating all content… for now. We would, nevertheless, really like to get in touch with you personally to meet you and see how we can be of assistance. Please call us at +31 20 79 88 723 or leave a quick message in the form.


Then an introduction:

Bengelmedia is a full service marketing agency, based in Amsterdam. Full service marketing is a very broad term and therefore it perfectly covers our widerange of services. Our proposition is never media based. We first and foremost look at your target group and commercial targets of the client, find out the best way to approach this target group and then look at which marketing tools to use, when to use these tools and optimize these tools.


Whether the campaign is online or offline, through mass media or personalised, high tech or snailmail, we create and develop the concepts and artwork in-house, assuring both the level of quality and service.


We have been working for some international clients recently with some great results: Hästens is a great example. Please review the case and artwork here.


It would be great if you could leave us a note so we can get in touch with you!


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